Monday, July 27, 2009

Where can a friend of mine go to get her pubic or vaginal hair styled?

her pubic hair is VERY thick and bushy.

she is interested in having it braided and having some accesory like a bow in it; maybe having it fixed to resemble the confederate flag with real diamonds embedded in her skin to take the place of the stars.

she wants to start an unusal new trend.

she wants photos taken of her "styled" pubic or vaginal hair and have them submitted to fashion magazines, movie companies, and the like..

she is a dancer of modern pop music. she has been placed in some amateur music videos. she is now being considered to dance in a real music video with some up %26amp; becoming artist. She heard that this male singer wants nothing but nude female dancers.

She's never done nude dancing, but is inow interested because she was told that it pays much better.

She wants to make pretty sure that her "BIG" hairy bush between her legs will be unique and appealing enough to open the door to stardom.

Where can a friend of mine go to get her pubic or vaginal hair styled?

LMFAO...thanks for the laugh!!!

Where can a friend of mine go to get her pubic or vaginal hair styled?

Don't ask me, lol. Wrong person for this question! :-P

Where can a friend of mine go to get her pubic or vaginal hair styled?

dubbelyou tee eff.

that's very strange.

such a facility does not exist.

tell her to learn to do it herself.

Where can a friend of mine go to get her pubic or vaginal hair styled?

This question has to be the most idiotic, waste of time, rediculous thing ever asked on yahoo answers. Ive seen some crappy things on here, but this takes the cake... go tell your "friend" to go play on a highway during rushhour. You have officially wasted 3min of my day, and I dont appreciate it. Take care

Where can a friend of mine go to get her pubic or vaginal hair styled?

DOUBLE OMG haha thats the funniest thing ive ever heard for the day thanx for making my day, i seriously do not think anyone in the world does that. would u want someone braidng your pubes??

Where can a friend of mine go to get her pubic or vaginal hair styled?

WOW! lol thats all I have to say....

This is just too funny! lol

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